Learn simple and effective skills and strategies for violence prevention and self-defense.
Self-defense classes for women and students!!!

SAFE 360 | Self-Defense for STUDENTS (5hrs)
For 30 years SAFE Self-Defense programs have helped over 200,00 women and students empower themselves with practical violence prevention and self-defense skills. This program is delivered over 5 hours and is designed to give middle school and high school students the basic knowledge and skills needed to stay safe both at school and in their community.
Course topics:
- The legal, ethical, and moral aspects of self-defense.
- Avoidance, awareness, and de-escalation.
- Trusting your intuition.
- Things attackers want.
- Things attackers don't want.
- Simple strategies to stay safe.
- Physical defensive skills.
- Self-Defense Simulation.

SAFE 360 | Self-Defense for Women (8hrs)
For 30 years SAFE Self-Defense programs have helped over 200,00 women and students empower themselves with practical violence prevention and self-defense skills. This program is 8 hours and covers far more than the student program. Equip yourself with the knowledge to stay SAFE in any environment.
Course topics:
- The legal, ethical, and moral aspects of self-defense.
- Avoidance, awareness, and de-escalation.
- Trusting your intuition.
- Things attackers want.
- Things attackers don't want.
- Simple strategies to stay safe.
- Physical defensive skills.
- Self-Defense Simulation.
- and much, much more.
De-escalation | the ultimate self-defense Skill (3hrs)
This program equips participants with effective communication and conflict resolution skills designed to defuse tense situations and prevent violence before it happens. De-escalation skills are for everyone, as conflict is a part of everyday life.
Course topics:
- What de-escalation is and is not.
- Social vs. anti-social violence.
- The emotional element.
- Strategic empathy.
- Words and Tone.
- Body language.
- Role-plays.
Contact us to learn about a full day version of this program that takes a deeper look into this life-saving skill.
learn to de-escalate violence!!!
Not seeing what you need?
You can use our custom course creator to design a course that suits your specific needs and audience.
start creating!!!NRA CCW(CPL)
The NRA CCW (Concealed Carry) course is the latest pistol course released by the nation's leading firearms organization, The National Rifle Association. Passing is not easy, but can be accomplished by competent beginners and experienced shooters. Message us to find out if this course is right for you.
Course topics:
- The safe storage, use, and handling of a pistol. including, but not limited to, safe storage, use, and handling to protect child safety. (REQUIRED)
- Ammunition knowledge, and the fundamentals of pistol shooting. (REQUIRED)
- Pistol shooting positions. (REQUIRED)
- Firearms and the law, including civil liability issues and the use of deadly force. (REQUIRED)
- Avoiding criminal attack and controlling a violent confrontation. (REQUIRED)
- All laws that apply to carrying a concealed pistol in this state. (REQUIRED)
- Pistol Nomenclature.
- Selecting a Pistol for Self-Defense.
- Basic Defensive Pistol Skills.
- Drawing from Concealment.
- Emergency Reloading.
- Stoppage Remediation.
- Mindset.
- Carry Modes.
- Pistol Concealment.
- Firearm Cleaning and Maintenance.
- Sport Shooting and Training Activities. (offered upon request)
- 3 hrs Range time with live fire. (REQUIRED) Students will need 150-200 rounds of ammunition to complete course objectives. (MI required minimum: 30 rounds, 3 hours.)
- Course Length: 8+ hours.
- Minimum Age: 21yo.
- Cost: $125 with min. 2 participants, ($175 for private training +$75 for each additional participant.)
This course meets the MI State CPL Course Requirement. The MI CPL allows you to carry a pistol concealed. Electro-muscular disruption technology, commonly called tasers, are permitted with a MI CPL. It DOES NOT allow you to carry knives concealed.
Michigan Code 28.425j
Michigan Code 750.224a
Michigan Code 750.227
get your mi cpl!!!
Weekly Combatives small group
Combatives, definition: "a set of personal combat principles applied to an intentionally limited number of simple (predominantly Western) self-defense fighting skills that are easily recalled under duress and able to be linked, creating short combat sequences." ~ Kelly McCann.
Course topics:
- The prevention, de-escalation, and use of violence.
- Contact us to learn more.

strong iron judo
RSD offers group judo lessons. Judo is a traditional martial art that includes throws, pins, and submissions and is the source art for Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Come see why judo is the ultimate grappling style for self-defense purposes.
register for judo lessons!!!